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We proudly serve clients in Schenectady, Syracuse, Utica and the surrounding areas, plus Glens Falls, Albany and the entire Capital District.

Every call is taken by an attorney

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We proudly serve clients in Schenectady, Syracuse, Utica and the surrounding areas, plus Glens Falls, Albany and the entire Capital District.

Workplace Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries are a common type of workplace injury that could leave employees unable to return to their jobs.

Workplace injuries are rather common in many industries across New York and throughout the United States. These injuries may include broken bones, lacerations, burns, stroke, paralysis and even death. There is another type of injury that may go unnoticed, but could have a major effect on a person’s life. Traumatic brain injuries can affect a person’s ability to return to work and engage in the activities that they love.

What is traumatic brain injury?

Traumatic brain damage occurs when a worker slips and falls, falls from a height or has a falling object land on their head. When the head experiences a forceful impact, the brain may hit against the inner bony skull. This can damage the brain’s soft tissue by causing bleeding, bruising and inflammation. The injury may range in intensity from mild to severe depending on the circumstances. Any brain injury, however, has the potential to cause long-lasting damage.

Identifying the symptoms

Mild cases of TBI can be difficult to spot, as the symptoms may mimic other illnesses. Mild symptoms often include nausea, vomiting, persistent headaches, dizziness, muscle weakness and confusion. More severe symptoms may involve seizures, unconsciousness, decreased sensory ability, communication troubles or difficulties in performing everyday activities, like writing, reading and walking. All of these symptoms can make it hard for brain injury victims to return to work and engage in the tasks that they did prior to the accident.

Returning to work

Going back to work following a brain injury may not be as simple as it sounds. Since traumatic brain damage can make it difficult for workers to problem-solve, remember important facts, write, read or communicate with others, people may not be able to go back to the same type of work that they engaged in before they were injured. In some cases, employers will adapt the employee’s work environment so they are able to continue working.

Workers’ compensation

When employees are injured on-the-job, they may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These finances may go toward medical expenses, lost wages from work, as well as pain and suffering. It is crucial that employees report an incident to their employer immediately after an accident occurs. Employers are responsible for ensuring peoples’ safety in the workplace. Workers should be able to perform their jobs without the threat of becoming injured.

Finding legal assistance

If you have been injured in a workplace accident, you may want to seek counsel from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. You should not have to suffer permanent physical damage because of another person’s negligence.

Silverman Law has been in practice for decades and has assisted many claimants with work related mental health issues. These cases require some particular expertise which we posses. Medical reports need to be specifically identified as to causal relationship between the injury and the on going problems. At Silverman Law we meet with our clients on a regular basis to update the current status and to figure out what is missing, what additional information will help us succeed in establishing this claim. Additionally, the attorneys at Silverman Law, Raymond Seligman, Esq., James Duffy Esq. and Sunny Lee, Esq. will also review these files with an eye toward a claim for Social Security Disability. It is legal to obtain both SSD and Workers’ Comp at the same time and this is something that should be investigated.

Silverman Law ONLY represents claimants in Workers’ Comp and SSD. Although having been asked to do so, we have never represented any insurance carriers. We are clearly too biased in favor of the injured worker and we work hard to remain that way. There is no charge for any office or pre scheduled phone conference. Call us to discuss your situation at 518 374-3373.