Another New York employee has been hurt on the job. On July 4, a Con Edison employee was working in a manhole in Manhattan. The man is apparently a manager with the company. At the time of the workplace accident, the man was filling in for another employee because a contract dispute has recently kept 8,200 Con Ed employees from work. This is the second report of an injured worker during the lockout.
The accident is still under investigation. Bystanders reported hearing an explosion. Then people witnessed the man being taken from the manhole by his co-workers. While it is not clear at this time what exactly happened to cause the explosion, it is clear it caused some serious workplace injuries.
During the accident, the man suffered burns to his face. These burns were serious enough that he was sent to a local hospital. At this time, the man remains in the hospital recovering from his injuries.
Con Edison, like all New York employers, has the responsibility to keep its workers safe. Even during difficult times like the drawn out contract negotiations, employees who are working for Con Edison deserve safe working conditions.
In this case, it is unclear if the workplace injuries were caused by unsafe conditions or if it was purely an accident. Either way, costs arising from the injuries are likely to be covered under workers’ compensation. They will include any medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering that the man incurred. Any other New York workers who have suffered from similar workplace injuries may also be entitled to similar compensation.
Source: CBS New York, “Con Ed Manager Burned While Working Underground In Manhattan,” July 4, 2012